Because we have been a “virtual” organization, pioneering the volunteer work from a distance, many of our projects have been experiments to see what could work, and what will not. We have taken on many different projects and have done them all in a very satisfactory manner with good results. However, the ones that have given us the most satisfaction are the projects for embracing schools. The ones that have given us the best results are the rural libraries.
We have taken on diverse projects such as:
- My friend: The Book.- where we collected many books and donated them to Universities’ Libraries.
- Embrace a School.- Giving help from to rural schools where the need is so great,
- The March of Computers.- We were very lucky to receive a donation of brand new CPUs and we completed them to full computer systems (keyboards and monitors) and donated them to rural schools and organizations,
- Virtual Writing Contests..- We encouraged high school students (and their teachers) to participate in writing contests using their computers and the Internet.
- Collecting funds for the towns of Ica, Chiclayo and Guadalupe.- These towns were devastated by flooding caused by heavy rains in 1998.
- Collecting funds for the victims of the earthquake in Peru in 1999.- Our network collected more than $10,000 for the city of Arequipa, Moquegua, and Antabamba.
- The virtual seminars.- From 1996 to the year 2000 we worked with UN-IDNDR presenting virtual seminars on Disaster Prevention to an average of 700 attendees from more than 80 countries.
- The Rural Libraries.- We have now two rural libraries and the first Tele-center/Library – and one on the drawing board.
- Tambos.- Only one, in Guadalupe, it is a combination tele-center- training.
- Micro-Lending.- Seven women from one Work Group decided to “lend” money to seven Ashaninka women of the Marankiari Bajo community for them to start their own business. Their project is called: “Women to Women”
- Village to Village project.- A group of university students from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe visited the Ashaninka in the year 2000. They donated 6 computers to the Ashaninka.